Brands and companies have to be as close as a friend to consumers in the different profiles they have in social networks. It is one of those lessons on how to operate in social media that everyone has come to assume. Social networks are an informal environment, which means that companies can not get stuck in their dry corporate language. They have to be close, nice and friendly with their consumers.

In the end, in fact, they do not have to do anything they have not done before. They have to be as they are supposed to be the dependents of the stores with their consumers and as is often expected to be the customer service. They have to work in a close, near and pleasant way.

Be authentic.

But, although in reality if you think about it is nothing new, brands and companies have created a kind of new language for social networks. They have assumed that they have to be different. And this is where failure often occurs. Companies have realized that they have to be close, but in that capacity to be forthcoming they have assumed that all the consumer wants is to be ultrasimetric and fun.

All this has forced things to be done, to make them unnatural and, what is worse, to make them end up looking often exactly the same as the typical guy who at family gatherings 'wants to go as a young man'.

And no: none of that is what consumers want in social networks. It is not necessary to be funny, it is not necessary to force the language. It is necessary to leave your own personality to triumph in the universe of the social media.

Stop using the latest buzz word

In fact, what consumers expect from brands in this context is that they are friendly and, above all, honest and not modern and graceful.

In the end, all this can be summed up in that they are authentic. Brands have to show that they are unique and different. A great part of consumers recognize that they feel comfortable seeing how brands show their unique personality on Facebook.

Consumers want brands to talk, respond to questions and join in conversations, but not to use too casual language and therefore fall into slang, talk politics or laugh at their consumers. Two-thirds of respondents say they find it annoying.

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