Learning Amazon jargon might be challenging. Fortunately, we have created a helpful cheat sheet for novice FBA sellers to make selling a little bit simpler.

Let's start now.

1P – First Party

In a first-party relationship (1P), the brand serves as the wholesale supplier while the marketplace serves as the retailer.

3P – Third Party

In a 3P partnership, your company uses the Amazon marketplace to sell directly to customers. You are in charge of everything, including product listing, order fulfilment, and customer care.

3PL – 3rd Party Logistics

For businesses of all kinds (from small and medium-sized firms to large-scale corporations to public sector bodies) who desire to outsource some components of their warehousing, inventory management, and fulfilment operations, a 3PL offers a variety of logistical services and solutions.

ACOS – Advertising Cost of Sales (ad spend / ad revenue)

Amazon pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns are evaluated using the Amazon advertising cost of sales (ACOS) statistic.

ACPC – Average Cost Per Click

By dividing the entire cost of your clicks by the total number of clicks, the average cost-per-click (avg. CPC) is determined.

ASIN – Average Cost Per Click

A ten-digit alphanumeric code called the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is used to identify products on Amazon.com. It is given when you add a new product to Amazon's catalogue and is particular to each item.

BSR – Best Sellers Rank

Almost every product in Amazon's catalogue of more than a million items receives a Best Sellers Rank (BSR) after making at least one sale.

B2B (B2B) – Business to Business

For registered businesses to purchase office goods on Amazon, Amazon B2B, also known as Amazon Business, offers purchasing solutions.

CB – Chargeback

When a consumer places a purchase on your website and later contacts their bank or credit card provider to dispute the charge, this is known as a chargeback.

CC – Customs Clearance

An essential step before products can be imported or exported abroad is customs clearance.

CF – Fulfillment Center

A third-party logistics (3PL) warehouse known as a fulfilment centre is where incoming orders are taken, processed, and filled.

CLR – Category Listings Report

A category listing report is a list of all the ASINs that are currently active in your Amazon catalogue. You can download a file containing all the data from your listings using this report, and you can also use it as a flat file to edit your listings.

COA – Cost Per Action ( Spend/Total Units Sold)

The Certificate of Analysis (COA) is a crucial document that exporters and manufacturers prepare to confirm that a collection of items has been produced in accordance with the specifications of their clients.

COGS – Cost of Goods Sold

The direct costs of producing the products that a business sells are referred to as its cost of goods sold (COGS).

CPC – Cost Per Click

You pay for each click on your adverts when you use cost-per-click (CPC) bidding.

CTA – Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is a prompt that appears on a website and instructs the user to perform a particular action.

CTR – Click Through Rate ( Click + Impressions = CTR)

You can utilise clickthrough rate (CTR) to determine how well your free listings, advertising, and keywords are performing. The CTR is calculated by dividing the number of clicks on your advertisement by the number of times it is displayed.

DS – Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a retail fulfilment strategy where a store doesn't maintain inventory of the goods it offers.

DSP – Video Ads are powered by Amazon DSP (& Display ads)

DSPs are private companies that collaborate with Amazon to send packages.

DTC – Direct to Consumer

Direct-to-Consumer. When compared to traditional retailers, which collaborate with a few third-party vendors to offer products to customers, DTC brands often have cheaper prices.

DCM – Display Child Model

Present a young model. When a customer clicks on a child item in this type of model, all the data from the child models will appear, displaying the relevant info.

DPM – Display Parent Model

A "non-buyable entity" called the parent product listing is used to connect the child items.

EAN – European Article Number

EAN codes are a set of numbers that are used to list products and identify them.

EFN – European Fulfillment Network

The EFN enables sellers who already have a Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) account and an established Amazon EU account to keep inventory at one of Amazon's regional fulfilment facilities.

ETC – Estimated Time of Completion

The projected time and/or effort needed to finish a project activity are known as the estimated time to complete.

FBA – Fulfillment By Amazon

Businesses can outsource their order fulfilment to Amazon through the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) programme.

FBM – Fulfillment By Merchant

When a seller uses the fulfilment by merchant (FBM) method of selling, they offer their goods on Amazon but handle customer service, shipping, and storage either internally or through a third party.

FC – Fulfillment Center

A fulfilment centre is an Amazon warehouse, often known as FC. Amazon sellers may use its product catalogue FBA system to store inventory for these FC facilities.

FFP – Frustration-Free Packaging

FFP stands for Frustration-Free Packaging on Amazon. FFP has been approved as being less difficult to open and recycle than conventional packaging.

FNSKU – Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit

The Fulfillment Network SKU, also known as the Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit, is abbreviated as FNSKU. The FNSKU is how Amazon recognises a product as belonging only to the vendor who shipped it to the Amazon fulfilment centre.

GS1 – Global System of Supply Chain Standards

The foundation of barcodes is a unique product and business identity, which is governed globally by GS1.

GTIN – General Trade Item Number

A global trade item number is a distinctive and well-known product identification number.

IPI – Inventory Performance Index

The inventory health of your SKUs is captured by the Amazon inventory performance index, which ranges from 0-1000 and measures both low and excess inventory levels.

KPI – Key Performance Indicator

Amazon's Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are statistics that make it simple to assess the success of your Amazon store.

MAP – Minimum Advertised Price

The bare minimum at which a store may offer a product for sale is known as the minimum advertised price (MAP).

MCE – Manage Customer Engagement

Through meaningful contacts along the customer journey, brands actively create an ongoing relationship with their customers through customer engagement. Brands may encourage enduring customer loyalty and enthusiasm by fostering this relationship.

MFN – Merchant Fulfilled Network

Amazon refers to Fulfilled by Merchant as Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN) (FBM). It describes a selling strategy where vendors advertise things on Amazon stores but independently handle all storage, shipping, and customer support.

MKL – Master Keyword List

These "keywords" are phrases of three or more words that customers use to look for a certain item.

MoM – Month over Month

The term "month-over-month" (MOM) refers to a comparison between a report or set of data for a certain month range of 30 or 31 days and the data from the prior month.

MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet

A product's hazardous constituents, physical and chemical qualities (such as flammability and explosive properties), impact on human health, chemicals with which it may react negatively, handling precautions, and emergency procedures are all listed in the MSDS.

MWS – Marketplace Web Services

An integrated web service API called Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) enables Amazon sellers to programmatically share information about listings, orders, payments, reports, and other topics.

NARF – North American Remote Fulfillment

NARF enables vendors to show their stock that is kept in the United States. Without having to ship or store products in either of those nations, FBA warehouses on Amazon's Canadian (amazon.ca) and Mexican (amazon.mx) marketplaces.

OA – Online Arbitrage

The act of purchasing goods from one online store and reselling them for a profit on another marketplace is known as online arbitrage.

OOS – Out of Stock

Replenishable Out of Stock, also known as Rep OOS, informs you of the proportion of sales that may have been lost because the item was out of stock.

OTC – Over-The-Counter

When a drug is referred to as over-the-counter (OTC), it means that it can be acquired without a doctor's prescription.

OTP – One-Time Password

One-Time Password (OTP) management is a function of Amazon Pinpoint. With the help of this tool, you may create fresh one-time passwords and SMS transmit them to your contacts.

PDP – Product Detail Page

Customers who conduct an Amazon search are shown the product detail pages.

PL – Private Label

Order placed by the seller with the manufacturer directly for the product(s) the seller decides to private-label. RA: The seller's continual efforts to shop about and locate the best offers at multiple warehouses, retail, or internet stores.

PO – Purchase Order

Before making a purchase, it is important to clarify and specify the precise items or services that are required. This is done as part of the wider procurement process, which also involves the PO process.

POC – Point of Contact

A point of contact (POC), sometimes known as a single point of contact, is a person or division in charge of handling client communications. '

PPC – Pay-Per-Click

Amazon's internal advertising system includes pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

RA – Retail Arbitrage

Amazon Retail Arbitrage (RA) is the practice of purchasing goods at a lower cost from a physical retailer and reselling them on an online marketplace like Amazon for a higher profit.

ROAS – Return on Advertising Spend – Total Sales / Total ad Spend

Brands and retailers use the metric known as return on advertising expenditure (RoAS) to gauge the success of their advertising efforts.

SAS – Strategic Account Services

You get access to a designated account manager through Strategic Account Services (SAS) Core, an Amazon trusted advisor who can assist you in growing your company, attracting new clients, and boosting sales.

SB – Sponsored Brands (advertising)

Through imaginative advertisements that show up in pertinent Amazon shopping results, Sponsored Brands can assist buyers in discovering your brand and products.

SC – Seller Central

To market and sell their goods directly to Amazon customers, companies and merchants use the website Amazon Seller Central.

SD – Sponsored Display (advertising)

Integrators can programmatically access Sponsored Display (SD) using the Amazon Ads API for Sponsored Display to create tools that automate, scale, and improve SD campaigns.

SDS – Safety Data Sheet

The qualities of each chemical, the physical, health, and environmental health concerns, the protective measures, and the safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical are all included in an SDS (formerly known as MSDS).

SEO – Search Engine Optimizations

The technique of optimising product listings for Amazon search engine results on Amazon.com is known as search engine optimization (SEO).

SKU – Stock Keeping Unit

A billable item in a company's inventory is identified by a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), which is a special number.

SOP – Standard Operating Procedures

A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a collection of instructions that must be followed exactly in the event of an outage or alarm to successfully recover your application.

SP – Sponsored Products (advertising) 

Ads for specific product listings on Amazon are known as Sponsored Products. They can be seen on product detail pages and shopping results pages. You can target customers who want to buy and are actively looking for the things they require by using sponsored products.

TACOS – Total Advertising Cost Of Sales (ad spend / total revenue x 100)

Total Advertising Cost of Sales, or TACoS, is a metric used to assess your return on investment in Amazon Ads.

UPC – Universal Product Code

The barcode used to identify a specific retail item is called a UPC, or Universal Product Code.

USPTO – United States Patent & Trademark Office

The U.S. government's United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is funded through fees. Office of Commerce. The USPTO's duties include registering trademarks and service marks for goods and services as well as granting patents to protect inventions.

VA – Virtual Assistant

An individual who works remotely for your Amazon business is known as a virtual assistant (VA). They may work full-time, part-time, casually (e.g., per task), or temporarily.

VC – Vendor Central

Manufacturers and distributors use the web interface known as Amazon Vendor Central.

WFS – Walmart Fulfillment Services

A cost-effective option for eCommerce retailers who require end-to-end fulfilment is Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS). There are no minimum or maximum inventory shipping or storage requirements.

WL – White Label

White labelling refers to a business agreeing to place another company's brand or logo on one of its products after removing its logo or brand from it.

WPI – Wholesale Product Investments Spreadsheet

The wholesale price index (WPI) depicts the cost of goods that are sold in bulk and transacted between businesses as opposed to consumers.

WS – Wholesale

the practice of selling goods in bulk and for a discount to people who then resale them offline or online through companies like Amazon and eBay.

YoY – Year over Year

The year-over-year (YOY) approach compares results from one period with those from a comparable period on an annualised basis. It involves two or more measured events.

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