Keys To A Successful Digital Marketing Strategy (part 2)

Let's continue with some advice for your marketing strategy!
- Schedule: Place each of the actions of the plan in a calendar where each responsible agent of the campaign is compromised. It will help you locate, evaluate and arrange not only the execution of actions but also budgets.
- Target your audience: Define your target audience in a clear and accurate way. Research the pattern references very carefully so you do not waste your budget. Target your ads to a specific audience group. You will ensure conversion and you will have quality traffic.
- Specialized metrics: How will you measure the results? This is one of the most important stages of the process because thanks to the web analytics, you will realize if the actions taken are bearing fruit. I recommend using: Google Analytics, Wroopra, GetClicky, W3Counter and ClickHeat.
- Advertising Modes: Identifies the mode under which you want to target: CPM (cost per thousand), CPC (cost per click), CPL (cost per lead) or CPA (cost per action). Before opting for any of them, I recommend that you cross these possibilities with the budget you want to invest. Remember that it is very important to optimize the investment to get good results.
- Identify the channel: If your campaign is targeted to a mass search audience you may need to use SEM (Search Engine Marketing) with Google Adwords and Bing Ads. If you want to invest in graphic advertising Google Adsense, Rich Media (in different affiliate channels) and Double Click will be indicated. If you want to guide in social networks SMM (Social Media Marketing) Facebook and / or Twitter will offer you very friendly management modules. Also, Youtube offers us video marketing. Do not forget that Google's local search is booming so do not rule out the possibility of using Google Places.
- Social Networking: Create community and loyalty to your fans or followers with quality content. Use networks as a showcase for your content. A "like" or "share" can represent a potential customer or a future consumer of your brand.
- Affiliate Plan: Formalize a group of allies on the web that help to massify your message and offers commissions (according to the product or leads obtained).
Content Marketing: It is one of the most talked about strategies today and has proven to 100% its effectiveness. For SEO is a great tool that feeds content searchers fresh and relevant. Take your time and write about the product. Share them with the press and bloggers who generate traffic in your network.