Amazon can smell the blood in Ads. And it's going for it.
The week when pandemic hit, sales for my home commodities on Amazon had multiplied 3x over night. In two weeks, I was completely out of stock with what was forecast as 3 months of supplies. Since our manufacturing and supplies is from the Himalayas in Nepal which was in complete lockdown, there was no incoming inventory. Technically this should have meant that I made all my revenues and profit for three months in three weeks. However when I sat down to reconcile my profit and loss, I discovered to my utter disbelief that my profits were almost non-existent. And the reason for this was that the cost of ads on Amazon had gone up 10x. Not only the cost of bids were 3x, there was almost 10x the clicks with much fewer conversions. Partly this can be attributed to bored "window-shoppers" browsing around Amazon looking for stocking up their essentials. If this had happened two years ago, the cost of ads would have been negligible. So what changed in two years? Ads. And the prolifer...