More visitors to our listing is always great, but receiving meaningful visitors is more important than just having more people see our pages without taking any action.

How many of the hundreds or thousands of individuals who click on your listing actually make a purchase? It is far preferable to be visited by only 5 individuals per day, all of whom make a purchase, than to be visited by a thousand people per day, only two of whom make a purchase.

It's one thing to get traffic. It's another thing to get the correct traffic.

If you embrace all types of traffic with open arms, there's a risk that your conversion rate will suffer, and your ranking will suffer as a result.

In this post, you'll learn what conversion rates are, why they're important, and how to improve them for little or no money.

Definition and Importance of Conversion Rate

Depending on what action you want users to take, conversion rate can indicate different things.

If you want to calculate the conversion rate for email subscriptions, for example, divide the number of individuals who visit your site by the number of people who actually subscribe to your newsletter.

The conversion rate is a metric used by Amazon to determine the number of page visits that result in a sale.

This is a crucial measure for several reasons:

- It provides you with a broad overview of the health of your listings.
- It improves the ranking of your product.
- It assists you in evaluating the outcomes of your listing copy A/B testing.
- It assists you in determining which areas require improvement.

A high conversion rate, on the other hand, does not always imply that your business is doing well. Remember that one visitor who purchases your product means a conversion rate of 100%. As a result, rather than looking at the %, it's still important to look at the actual figures.

Sites that sell a product or service often have a conversion rate of 1 to 2%. When it comes to Amazon, though, this number is substantially greater.

Amazon listings have a conversion rate of 10% to 15% on average. Prime members had an even higher percentage, over 74 percent. This is because many consumers who browse Amazon are already planning to buy something—if not right away, then soon.

This is another  reason why so many ecommerce sellers choose Amazon as one of their product selling platforms.

But probably the most essential reason to track conversion rates is that it is one of the variables that propels your listings to the top of search results. To rank listings, Amazon's A10 algorithm takes conversion rates and sales velocity into account.

As a result, if your listing has a low conversion rate, your product is less likely to appear on the first page of Amazon search results.

How to Calculate Conversion Rate on Amazon

The conversion rate is basically just the total number of visits divided by the number of sales transactions. But where exactly do you get the data for this?

The first step is to go to your Amazon Seller Central account and hover over the Reports tab. Then click on Business Reports, where you will see your Sales Dashboard.

Then go to the Sales and Traffic by Parent Item section of the Details Page. A table with multiple columns can be found here. Sessions and Total Order Items are the two that we're interested in. Set the time range you'd like to look at. The last 30 days is the default setting. The following formula can be used to compute the conversion rate for each parent ASIN:

(Total Order Items) / Sessions = Conversion Rate

A session is defined by Amazon as "visits to your offer pages for a given time period," as opposed to page views, which are a count of how many times your products have been viewed during the specified time period.

So if a consumer visits your website, then visits another seller's page before returning to yours, only one session is recorded but two page views are recorded.

Conversion Rates and the Factors That Influence Them

Conversion rates are affected by a number of factors, and I'll go over the most essential ones below:

Keyword Choice

If you want to improve your conversion rate, one of the most crucial things to consider is your keyword selection. Most sellers are aware of the benefits of selecting the proper keyword, but are unaware of the risks of selecting the incorrect one.

Let's imagine you're selling wired keyboards, but you've found that "bluetooth keyboard" has a higher search volume. So, in the hopes of earning more page views, you take a chance and include that keyword, even though it's incorrect.

Your listing may appear when a potential consumer searches for "bluetooth keyboard." It's possible that they'll click on it. However, because they are looking for a bluetooth keyboard, they will leave your page and search for a product that meets their requirements.

What effect will this have on your conversion rate? You're raising the value of the denominator in the equation by increasing the number of individuals that see your listing, but you're not obtaining the same rate of increase in sales. As a result, the conversion rate decreases.

Number of Customer Reviews

The higher your conversion rate, the more positive reviews you have. Increasing the quantity of product reviews is critical because they (well, the majority of them) originate from real customers who have used the products.

Numerous studies have shown that word of mouth is one of the most effective techniques to grow sales and patrons. And reviews are just the digital equivalent of it.

When launching a new product, a smart seller understands the value of obtaining a head start on reviews, which is why services like the Amazon Early Reviewer program exist.

Content of Good Quality

When it comes to advertising on Amazon, space is limited. Although product descriptions are limited to 2000 characters, some listings have been reported to surpass this limit.

To make your listing stand out, optimize your product description and include high-quality photographs.

How Can You Boost Your Conversion Rate?

Highlight the advantages of your product.

If you want people to buy your items, you need to demonstrate them how they will profit from them. Businesses on Amazon frequently make the mistake of focusing on the features of their products rather than the advantages.

You must show how a product can benefit a customer. Begin by answering the following questions:

- What is the issue that our shopper is facing?
- How does our product address that issue?
- What distinguishes our product from that of our competitors?

You can begin modifying your product listings once your team has answered these questions. User-focused material should be added to your product features as well as your product description. Use your product's features and description to highlight the product's distinct benefits.

Update the images of your products.

People rely on product images no matter where they shop online since they can show:

- What your product appears to be
- How does your product function?
- How your product is used by customers
- What's included with your purchase?

Users may be put off if your product listing has only a few photographs or images that are low-quality and outdated. They are unlikely to discontinue their product hunt. Instead, they'll look at similar products from your competition.

Invest in quality product photography to increase your product conversion rates on Amazon.

Your business may provide customers with all the information they require by using excellent product photographs. A photograph, for example, can assist users in determining the size of your product. Customers may get fresh ideas on how to use your product by looking at photos of it.

Professional product photos can also demonstrate your product's and brand's excellence.

If your business spends money on professional product photographs, make sure they follow Amazon's guidelines.

Maintain a competitive pricing strategy.

Amazon strives to give the greatest shopping experience and prices to its customers. As a result, when ranking products in search results, Amazon analyses the overall cost of an item. When a company costs too much or too little for its goods, it sends out a bad signal.

Your company's price can also influence whether it wins or loses the Buy Box.

Because price influences not only consumer decisions but also Amazon's, it's vital for businesses to maintain competitive product prices.

Make your products eligible for Amazon Prime.

Amazon has over 100 million Amazon Prime members, all of whom enjoy the benefits of Amazon Prime, such as free two-day shipping. Users can also filter products on Amazon to eliminate items that aren't eligible for Amazon Prime.

If your organisation wants to increase its conversion rate, Amazon Prime is a good option. When your product qualifies for Amazon Prime, your customer base expands. More website visits, purchases, and money may result from this growth.

How can you make your products eligible for Amazon Prime?

With Fulfillment by Amazon, your company may provide your products with all of Amazon Prime's perks (FBA). All order fulfilment and return duties are transferred to Amazon with this service, which includes fulfilment and storage fees.

Your organization can not only enhance conversions but also reduce duties by using FBA.

Increase the amount of product reviews you receive.

Reviews are extremely helpful from both a user and a product optimization standpoint. They provide buyers with unbiased information about the quality of your goods. Meanwhile, Amazon ranks and recommends the top products and sellers to users based on user feedback.

Invest in review management if you want to improve your conversion rate.

To get more reviews for your products, use Amazon-approved and controlled review generation services like Amazon Vine and the Early Reviewer Program. Both tools demand a financial investment, but they can aid in the generation of critical assessments for new goods.

Your team should respond to reviewers in addition to attempting to obtain more product reviews. Whether someone had a positive or negative experience with your goods, you must reply and correct any issues.

This proactive measure might assist your company in increasing brand awareness and loyalty. Your company's bottom line can benefit from increased brand awareness and loyalty. A devoted consumer, for example, may recommend your goods while another buyer decides to buy it.

PPC advertising can help you promote your products.

Another way to boost your Amazon conversion rate is to use pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Your business can build adverts for your items and brand using PPC. Additionally, because paid ads appear at the top of search results, you can maximize your real estate in search results.

It's critical for your team to keep your Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS) low if you want to enhance your conversion rate on Amazon. A high ACoS can eat into your profits, which isn't good for the bottom line of your business.

The benefit of PPC ads, on the other hand, is that your business only pays per click. You don't have to pay for impressions or when your ad is seen by a shopper. This tool can assist your team in getting the most out of your advertising budget and increasing your return on investment (ROI).

Examine the competition.

Businesses rarely undertake a competitor analysis when they ask, "How can we enhance our conversion rate on Amazon?" A competition study, on the other hand, can give your team a lot of insight into what's working in terms of increasing sales on Amazon.

Evaluate a handful of your Amazon rivals by following these steps:

Examine their product offerings.Look into their branding.Check out the feedback on their products and sellers.Examine their keyword plan.Assess their costs.Study their advertising campaigns.

Make your strategy based on what you've learned about your rival.

Perhaps your competitor research indicates some high-value keywords that you want to target. Alternatively, you may notice a recurring issue in competitor evaluations, such as a weak warranty, and update your product description and features to highlight your company's advantages.

It's possible that a competitor study won't result in an instant rise in conversion rates. It can, however, assist your company in developing a more effective marketing and advertising strategy for your Amazon products. This can lead to massive long-term gains.


Not only does your Amazon conversion rate show how many of your page visitors actually buy your product, but it also shows how much money you make. It also helps your listing rank higher, resulting in more visits over time.

You may boost your conversion rate in a variety of ways. I've only talked about a few of them in this article, but there are plenty more you can try.

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