Everything you should know about Keyword Harvesting/Mining

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Keyword Harvesting can be puzzling...

When dealing with Amazon Advertising or Amazon PPC optimization, Keyword Harvesting/Mining plays a key role. It is significant in Manual and Automated, AI-driven campaigns for driving discoverability and conversions on Amazon. 

For those, who may need a kickstart- “Keyword Harvesting/Mining is finding the most relevant keywords according to your products or services and targeting these right keywords in your ad campaigns.” In other words, it will tell you which keywords you need to bid on to boost your PPC game. 

Why exactly should you care? Because of the reality:

“One of the benefits of Amazon is that a shopper is rarely starved for choice. Yet, despite being presented with pages of options during a search, almost half (45%) of shoppers say they typically don’t scroll past the second page of results, per a report.”

“The research also found that 12% of consumers limit their browsing to the first page of results. But this doesn’t mean clicks to the products are as low – research from Jumpshot has revealed that about two-thirds of product clicks actually come from the first page of search results."

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Like a life-partner, your product and it's keyword should be the perfect match

Now, the most important solution to tackle this challenge is to increase the relevancy and quality scores, and for that one must choose the path of optimizing their keyword research. Doing this, your ads can gain higher positions on Amazon search pages and that in return will increase your sales. (if your product beats the competitive prices too!)

This article is a comprehensive guide that will explain the process of Keyword harvesting in Manual, Automated as well as AI-driven campaigns. We will also explore the secrets of Effective Multilingual Keywords and usage of Colloquial Keywords to Optimize the Purchase Journey. 

Keyword Mining from Broad to Narrow And Negative Keywords

How To Optimize Your Amazon Product Photos - AMZ Tracker
Like a dating app, Amazon will match your product's keyword with user's search term

Using Keyword Match types allows the ad of your product only to appear when the match for that exact keyword you have set is found. Meaning, to refine which customer search queries your ads are eligible to appear for. Manual targeting for Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands offers the following solutions :

Let’s take an example..

The Example

What if you ate at a restaurant and you got charged for an item you didn’t order in the bill. You would obviously talk to the manager and sort that out right.

Now let's get  back to our case here, as you can see in the above image a user searched for a table in the search query and some relevant products came but also a sponsored ad is displayed which is irrelevant because it's some sort of charging adapter. 

Now let’s imagine the user clicked on the ad, misunderstanding it by thinking the product is something he/she wants. Here the company will be charged but the user won’t buy it in most cases.

Yes, it would be like paying money for the items you didn’t eat at the restaurant. Well, Amazon PPC has got you covered for such a problem, you can tackle it down by doing two things :

  1. Set keyword match types

There are three keyword match types to take into consideration :

  • Broad: The Sponsored Product ad can be displayed if the query includes all words that have been deposited as a keyword. The order of words doesn’t matter. In addition, the formula considers spelling variations, misspellings and synonyms as matches.

  • Phrase Match: The phrase match is where you specify a phrase and the keywords are matched with terms before or after. The critical feature of phrase match is that it allows you to control the word order. Variations may include misspellings, singulars & plurals, stemming, etc.

  • Exact:  By the exact keyword match, you can narrow down to the customers who are searching exactly for your product. Exact match targeting allows only your exact keyword (plus plurals, singulars, and misspellings) to trigger your ad.

By choosing from the above options, one can avoid such instances and you can choose for an exact search term match, terms padded before and after the search terms, make restrictions on the order of search terms, etc.

  1. Set negative keywords

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Stop the negative vibes, your keyword gives you..

Frequently, some negative types of keywords can sink your campaign’s efficiency and will result in wasted money. Amazon PPC offers you a way out of it by enabling you to add negative keywords.  Your ad will not appear for user queries containing these negative keywords. These are the two different negative match types to choose from :

  • Negative exact: Your Sponsored Product ad will only be excluded if the search query exactly matches the negative keyword you’ve entered, or with a minor variation (for example, singular / plural).

  • Negative phrases: Ads will be excluded if the search query contains the negative keyword as a part of the phrase or in whole.

By adding terms as negatives, one can greatly reduce spending on unwanted terms and free up more of their budget for better-related searches – helping increase sales.

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For some it's coffee, for Amazon, it's managing your keywords to boost your sales

These PPC ad types can have a variety of keywords for all the above cases , with bids based on the anticipated impact. High-traffic, high-impact keywords should have higher bids, while broader keywords should be assigned lower bids. This will also ensure the decrease of ACoS, resulting in profits for sellers. 

Moving ahead, it will be the end-results time! The results of this match of search terms and their conversion rates will then be available via the search term report that Amazon makes available to the advertiser/seller.

From there, the advertiser will essentially analyze the report, identify the best-performing search terms, and add them to the list of keywords with exact or phrase matches, negative keywords , which are more targeted and relevant to a buyer’s search.

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Woah! Yeah most people will have the same reaction, it's very much time-consuming! This continuous evaluation can be prone to subtle human errors, if unidentified for a long time can cost you a serious loss.  

Making the above consequences clear : Having an automated solution to streamline and optimize this process for you will not only save you time but also save you money by avoiding wasted ad spend on keywords that are not performing well.

Keyword Harvesting/Mining via Automatic Campaign

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The best way recommended by most experts is to harvest keywords by leveraging an Automatic Advertising campaign. This method does not require the advertiser to provide the initial list of keywords but rather the Amazon Advertising platform provides a mechanism in which it automatically explores keywords that might work for the advertised product.

The automatic campaign generates a set of reports that provide insight into how the keywords performed, which can then be analyzed and, if relevant and high-performing, can be added to the manual campaign.

Aihello’s AI-driven solution ensures a First Class Full Automated platform. Just switch on AutoPilot for a target ACoS and our AI engine will automatically optimize bids daily, mine keywords, transfer keywords between auto and manual campaigns and boost bids depending on peak hours and off-peak hours. There is zero config and no rulesets required as our AI learns from your sales and optimizes daily.

The good news is it takes anywhere from 7-14 days for you to start noticing positive results. The system learns every day and becomes more efficient at optimizing your keywords and placements. Also, there is a visual change log of how the AI has been optimizing your bids. You can view them by the day and the reason for the bid optimization.

Here, the most significant thing is the seller can set the number of keywords to be automatically added to their ad groups based on the number of criteria. One can also set keywords and search terms to be moved from AutoCampaigns to Manual Campaigns. 

How to Optimize listings for Customer Search on Amazon?

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Think like a Customer!

The primary way for customers to see your products and buy them, is when they can find them on Amazon. As easy as that sounds, sellers need to “smart up” their strategies in their listings of products.

Customers search by entering keywords, which are matched against the information (title, description and so on) that you provide for a product. Factors such as degree of text match, price, availability, selection and sales history help determine where your product appears in a customer's search results.

By providing relevant and complete information for your product, you can increase your brand’s visibility and sales. 

Below are some general guidelines to improve your product listings.


Each individual word in the Product Name (Title) is searchable on its own. For example, a product called XYZ ABC JKL Collection 300-Thread-Count Pillow Cases (Yellow, Queen, Set of 4) is better than Green Pillow Cases. This is because the recommended Product Name above includes this information:

  • Brand - XYZ ABC
  • Product line - JKL Collection
  • Material or key feature - 300-Thread-Count
  • Product Type - Pillow Cases
  • Colour - Yellow
  • Size - Queen
  • Packaging/Quantity - Set of 4


Amazon provides you with an awesome opportunity to add search terms for your products. These search terms should only include generic words that amplify the discoverability of your product. For example, if you're selling earphones, your search terms can contain synonyms such as "headphones" and "earbuds." Search terms are not required fields.

Here are some most suitable practices for providing search terms:

  • Don't include product identifiers like brand names, product names, compatible product names, ASINs, UPC codes and so on.

  • Don't provide inaccurate, misleading or irrelevant information such as the wrong product category, the wrong gender, out-of-context words and so on.

  • Don't provide excessively long content. Respect the limits that are set for different fields on Amazon.

  • Don't provide redundant information that is already captured in other fields such as title, author, brand and so on. It won't improve your product placement in search results.

  • When entering several words as a search term, put them in the most logical order. For instance, a customer is more likely to search for "big racing cars toys" than for "racing cars toys big."

  • Use a single space to separate keywords. No commas, semicolons or carats are required.

  • Don't include statements that are only temporarily true, such as "new", "on sale" or "available now".

  • Don't include subjective claims such as amazing, fabulous, great/good quality and so on, since most customers don't use subjective terms in their queries.

  • Don't include common misspellings of the product name. Amazon's search engine compensates for common customer misspellings and also offers corrective suggestions.(So, avoid doing this intentionally!)

  • Don't provide variants of spacing, punctuation, capitalisation and pluralisation ("60GB" and "60 GB", "charger" and "chargers" and so on).Amazon’s search engine automatically includes different case forms, word forms and spelling variants for searching.

  • Don't include terms that are abusive or offensive in nature.

  • Abbreviations, alternate names, topics and key characters (for books, movies and so on) could also be efficiently included as search terms.

Amazon Product Listings for International Market

Amazon's International Growth Challenge - Vox
Let the world know what you are selling...

Can we solely rely on translations on Amazon for creating the brand awareness in marketplaces where English is not the main language? Sadly, NO, it won't be the right way. 

When you take your Amazon business to an international level, you are facing the challenge of creating content for different national marketplaces. To exemplify, many sellers simply translate their content from amazon.de for amazon.fr or amazon.com – usually at the expense of both visibility and sales. If you want to take the correct approach for Amazon-SEO when internationalising, you should consider mainly these two aspects : 

  1. Customize the title, bullet points/features and product description individually for each country, if you ignore the preferences and needs of consumers, you are wasting valuable potential. It’s utmost important that these factors are considered for content optimization and keyword research – a simple translation wouldn’t suffice.

One can conduct a thorough Content Relevance Analysis of the product or product groups for each individual country to learn about these differences between countries. Neglecting this won’t drive any conversions even if the buyer lands on your Amazon Product page.

  1. Develop a Country Specific Keyword Sets, to create a high-performance keyword set, advertisers use the autocomplete feature of Amazon’s search function (Auto Suggest) which shows the most frequent search terms and combinations employed by Amazon users. 

Do note, this is a temporary solution that will give you some insights, as the customers search patterns or behaviours change frequently. 

Final Thoughts

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Be enlightened!

The first and foremost step to be hit on Amazon is Keyword Harvesting according to numerous internal and external components. Nothing will matter, until your product listing is optimized, other efforts will mostly go in vein. This surely is a time eating task and needs supervision or some third party. Doing all that, will distract you from your major goal : "bringing revenue”. 

Hence what to actually do? Keep on reading, you are just a step away from your magic lamp !

To accelerate your E-commerce brand check out AiHello’s page for some amazing services. Also, AiHello got your back to optimize your Ad campaigns that thrives for the best interest of your business and the ACoS targets you set. With AiHello Autopilot tool that works 24*7, there are not one or two benefits but definitely many more that will automate your PPC campaigns and boost up your revenues.

This way you can have a stress-free routine at work, enabling you to concentrate more on your product. If you would like to try AiHello AutoPilot, then head over to our registration page and give it a try. There is 14 days free trial with no payment information required.

And YES YES, AiHello’s tool uses AI engines to automatically optimize bids daily, mine keywords, transfer keywords between auto and manual campaigns and boost bids depending on peak hours and off-peak hours. There is zero config and no rulesets required as our AI learns from your sales and optimizes daily.

Amazon PPC Optimization Tip: Automated Keyword Harvesting:- here

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