The 4 realities that most frustrate and annoy buyers in physical stores


When e-commerce appeared, many people rushed to announce the death of traditional commerce. Consumers were increasingly buying online and, therefore, they were condemning physical stores to a possible future death. His luck was set and it did not seem to be very positive. But in spite of it, the physical stores are still there and they are a very important part of the buying habits. In fact, consumers are quite far from being buyers of one or the other scenario. They want to buy in all the stages and they want to do it also how and when they please.

That does not imply, however, that they do not see the different sales channels without problems and without fail, and that they have no complaints and negative opinions about them. That physical stores have been around for so long does not necessarily mean that everything is seen in them with special good eyes. Consumers remain highly critical and continue to find defects that should be addressed.

What are the things that most frustrate consumers when they go to a store?

The queues

The main problem that consumers find when buying in a store is closely related to waiting. For shoppers, having to queue is the most frustrating thing about your shopping experience at physical stores. For shops, true, this is often difficult to solve or to alleviate. The supermarket queue is a kind of recurring evil that can not be avoided, even when supermarkets try out new tools such as single queues (so you do not always feel that you are in the queue slower).

Not having everything you are looking for

Following this problem lies the fact that the inventory is not absolute. For buyers, some of the most annoying and problematic things are that the product they want to buy is not in their size or finished in stock. This is especially serious when dealing with younger consumers. For them, this is much more frustrating than for older consumers. Since the internet usually offers a much larger inventory (after all, in a store you can only have a few products) this is a problem that can mean a break between a format and another one of purchase.

Bad organization

To these problems are added the own derivatives of the organization of the store. It causes frustration that the store is too full and therefore have to suffer too much noise.

Staff training

And, finally, the stores have to train their sellers a lot better, since the relationship between them and their consumers is also a point of friction. For the customers, that the staff can not solve their problems or their doubts is a serious problem.

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