Essential keys to creating an online store where consumers want to buy (part 1)

In recent years, e-commerce has grown remarkably. Consumers have lost the fear of buying on the internet and have incorporated it on a regular basis to their day to day. The 'I'm going to look if I see it on the internet' has gone from being the rarity that made the friend 'early adopter' of the world of technologies to become a recurring issue for all types of buyer and virtually any type of demographic segment. Buying online is not, in fact, even heritage of the millennials. Nowadays, anyone with an internet connection is a potential customer of online stores.

But what should companies do to create an e-commerce experience that stands out over others and convinces the consumer of the advantages of buying online? Obviously, it is not worth simply uploading the products to the internet and hope that the consumer will start to buy. You have to create a unique experience and a space that invites the purchase and, so to speak, push it. Starting from certain realities and certain facts can help visualize what to do to succeed with an online store.

Do not put limits on what you can sell or buy online

When thinking about e-commerce and big names that have become the engine of the same, it is usually thought of certain brands and certain types of products. The truth is that the internet allows much more than selling, for example, books. The Internet is a very large space in which buyers look for almost anything and in which therefore one should not be limited to the obvious or the expected to offer the buyer a product. Consider, for example, Amazon, one of the great of ecommerce. Amazon started selling books but no longer only sells reading material. As the years go by, more and more products are added to what can be found in that online store and it is also demonstrated that electronic commerce can reach many different market niches.

But you do not have to stay alone with the e-commerce giant and its offer. Stopping to look carefully at everything that can be bought online allows us to discover a market in which the supply is increasingly varied and varied. On the internet you can really buy everything and the consumer has become accustomed to accessing the network to get hold of just about anything.

Since the weekly purchase, there are those who already do in a supermarket on the internet to not have to face the crowded fixed supermarkets, even the decoration elements that will be incorporated into the home, the internet is already the key to buy anything. Maybe fifteen or twenty years ago the consumer felt the need to go to a physical store to buy the new sofa with which they would equip their salon but now online stores or product finders like Livingo are proving that even in such a special market like the furniture, internet can be a good ally for shopping.


Adapt to the destination market

One of the mistakes that can be made when a brand enters the world of e-commerce and when it wants to do it from a global point of view is to think that all products can work the same in all markets. E-commerce companies have to work to understand each market in which they are present and to understand their idiosyncrasies. It is not the same as a consumer of one country than another, however much the two states are different.

Take for example the sale of furniture and decoration products. Nothing can seem more unlikely to need to adapt to the tastes of a target market than a table. After all, a table is a table and no matter how it is. A table has a concrete functionality and everyone knows what you will find when talking about this product. Is it therefore immune to changes in taste or interest? The truth is that all markets have to adapt to the changing tastes of their consumers and all have to offer different and concrete elements with which to convince their buyers. A table, however much it may seem to the naked eye, is not just a table. The tastes of citizens vary according to the market in which they are present and what the brand must offer them has to change with them so that the shopping experience is memorable.

In the site specialized in furniture and decoration Livingo, to put a sample, you can see this difference., the German version, is the original of the online store, but the different editions of the store, although they reflect their spirit, show a clear respect for the concrete interests of the market to which they are directed. Thus, for example, the Italian version descanta by the warmth homeliness and familiar or the French by the unmistakable Gallic charm.

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