Clear and detailed product information, crucial for consumers when it comes to buying online

When a consumer is looking for a particular product over the Internet, what is it that takes you to click on the "buy" button? Is it a low price? Very positive ratings? Product images and videos? Detailed information about it?

In a context in which the buyer is increasingly demanding, and actively seeks to compare different items to find the one that offers the best value for money, all these factors are decisive. But according to a new Salsify report, detailed and correct information outweighs all others.

It is specified that 90% of consumers already buy online and that almost all (88%) expect the information they find about the product to be rigorous, complete and varied before making a decision about the purchase. Specifically, and as we said before, a good description is the most important when deciding whether to buy or not, over other issues - also key - as the reviews or the price that are second and third place.

As Salsify explains, "Consumers are very naturally aware of the price. But when it comes to making a decision, research shows that powerful quality information is a critical factor that can lead to the purchase."

The information should not only be rigorous and complete, but also, for 66% of the respondents, must include at least three photos of the product. Eighty-two percent of consumers also claim to be able to read at least three reviews.

On the other hand, among the millennials - who buy the most online - detailed information was even more important and this group was 40% more likely to ensure that the content on the article was essential. On the other hand, and of course, if we take into account that young people are the most involved in social networks, it is also these consumers that most often (up to 60% more than other groups) bought a product based on the update On social platforms of a friend and were also more likely to buy an article based on photos uploaded by other consumers. Millennials also rated the reviews and opinions of other customers as the most important factor in 50% more chances.

Articles with good descriptions get up to 30% more conversions

This study corroborates the results of another previous report by Shotfarm, which also emphasized the importance of detailed and complete information possible when buying online. It was shown that 42% of the respondents had returned some product because it did not correspond to what they expected - or what seemed to be described on the web - something that represents a cost for the brand itself and, above all, a major disappointment and annoyance for the customer.

And since all consumers want to save that from having to do all the management to return a product, priority is given to articles with complete information, which achieve a conversion rate 30% higher than the average. In fact, 78% of these respondents asserted that content quality is key when making purchasing decisions.

In addition, while product information is always important, consumers find it even more relevant when making purchasing decisions on certain sectors, such as electronics, decoration, fashion or food. On the other hand, in office, sports or pet articles, users are not as demanding about the level of information (although a complete content is always advantageous regardless of the item to be sold).

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