Why logistics are crucial in delivering good e-commerce service.

E-commerce has become an increasingly important element in the day-to-day lives of consumers, who are increasingly buying online and are increasingly using the internet to access various products, services and brands. This has meant that the entire universe of traditional consumption has begun to analyze and to incorporate online tools into their sales processes. But the truth is that this is not the only change that has motivated e-commerce and its growing success. The situation is much more complex because online shopping has created new stress points for companies. In the new era of online shopping, they are no longer solely responsible for sales processes and making products reach consumers. Now, they are increasingly dependent on intermediaries.

Logistics companies have become a sort of evil to assume for these companies. Online stores do not generally have their own delivery services and have a physical network, the recurrent problem is that brands continue to rely on messaging companies that are in charge of the final part of the process. This is very important for several reasons and has many implications for the same reasons.

A few examples

Online stores can not control what happens with the delivery processes because when the product leaves your warehouse has actually stopped being in your hands. However, what happens during that process of delivery that third parties have a direct impact on their brand image, their relationship with the customer and the service they offer. At the outset, when there are problems in delivery, consumers not only complain to the company that gives the delivery service but also to the one that they have bought.

Look at what happened a few years ago in the United Kingdom. When consumers started to buy online during Christmas because of the bad weather, that same bad weather caused a lot of problems in the delivery process. Of course, companies have a little bit of the fault here, because they didn't see that coming. Consumers not only accused delivery companies of having 'stolen their Christmas' but also accused online stores.

Why beware of logistics

All this does more than demonstrating the power and importance of the logistics in the processes of buying online. The shops can not ignore it on the basis that it is not their job, because the consumers will have to deal with the delivery company, and if it isn't a good experience this will affect the image of the online store to which they have bought in the first place. Everything is absolutely interrelated and everything marks the corporate image of ecommerce in turn.

E-commerce companies need to be able to check that service and must take care that their partners are able to deliver the service they need and their consumers expect.

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