If you have an online store, on more than one occasion you have considered if you should broaden your eyes and offer your products to the Amazon marketplace. If you still have not thought of it yet, I assure you, you'll get to that point, so think about it and consider this series of recommendations to sell in the largest online sales portal in the world.


Advantages of selling on Amazon


1) Largest online retailer in the world

Putting your products on Amazon is opening your store to the world. Your showcase will be accessible to millions of people who enter every day.


2) More convenience and freedom to manage your store


Depending on your margins, you can send your merchandise directly to Amazon and they will be in charge of managing the orders, preparing them and sending them to the final customer.

3) Expansion of customer database

Through Amazon you can reach customers that have not arrived in another way and these can become recurring the next time they want to buy something.


4) Free advertising on thousands of websites


If something has this site, they are affiliates, blog owners and web pages that analyze and talk about the millions of products that are sold on Amazon.

Your products can appear for free for you in hundreds of blogs being recommended by their users at no additional cost to you. Sites like Opinions10 or similar serve as a showcase for Amazon and for products that sellers use as a marketplace.

5) Actual opinions and opinions of people


Amazon manages very well the comments of buyers because it always requests an opinion of the same past a reasonable time since the purchase was made.

Disadvantages of selling at Amazon

Not everything was going to be advantages and how not, Amazon also has drawbacks that you must value before launching yourself fully to promote your products with them.

1) Commissions for each sale

You should study the margin of your products very well and see if it is profitable to sell through a marketplace like Amazon or not.

The commissions you are charged will depend on whether you take care of the logistics. Study very well both options and see if you are profitable.

2) Existing competition

Value well who is selling the same products as you. If you are going to publish articles that already exist and you will not be able to compete in price it will be foolish to enter that fight.


3) Amazon Direct Competition


Let's not fool ourselves, Amazon seeks to make money in every possible way. One of them is becoming himself a seller of a product that is succeeding in his marketplace. It is an open secret that if Amazon discovers that a product is very successful and can get it directly to sell it, it will.

If you want more information about the things that you should keep in mind when selling for Amazon, stay in touch with our articles article where we'll talk about other tips that you have to keep in mind to launch yourself into the adventure. https://www.aihello.com/resources/blog/selling-on-amazon-yes-or-no/

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