Product Updates:Amazon PPC Automation AutoPilot December 2020.

Plenty of Updates for the year ending 2020. Few of them are summarized below

  1. Placement Boost

amazon bidding optimization

More details on this feature here

2) Auto Target Campaign Performance Charge

AutoPilot for Autotargeted campaigns were upgraded with better forecasting algorithms. In our internal test, this performed 7x better than our existing algorithms and increased sales by more than 13% for our beta customers. After exhaustive testing and numerous iterations, we have released this to all of our customers.
There are no settings for this features. All your Autotargeted campaigns will be automatically upgraded to use our new algorithms

3) Faster Dashboard

This was the number 1 feature that we focussed on this month. We have tweaked, optimized and upgraded our UI for faster and responsive feedback. You can see it for yourself how snappier the new dashboard is now.

There are more bug fixes and minor feature updates
1) The default range of dates shown for all campaigns is now last 30 days (It used to be last 7 days)
2) AutoPilot logs were optimized for faster loading
3) Keyword stats logs now show last 30 days by default (Earlier it would show last 7 days)
4) AutoPilot is now much more simpler! All options have moved to "Advanced Options". Usually for most sellers, all you need to do is to set an ACoS and save.

The most frequent question we hear is "Is that it?"
And our answer is "Yes"
We designed AutoPilot to be one click Amazon PPC Automation software.

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