Why packaging is decisive when it comes to success in e-commerce?

When a buyer receives an Amazon package, he can see quite easily (sometimes it is printed on the same box, sometimes it is on the packaging tape with which they have closed) a message that invites you to rate the package in which the product has been shipped to you. The company is one of the most concerned about how to design their packaging and how they work when the consumer receives it at home. And whoever has ever received a package from this online store already knows that they are very easy to open and that with many times simply pulling a tab the thing will already be done.

Amazon is also one of the recurring examples used when discussing the importance of packaging in e-commerce and how the form in which products are shipped can completely change the way in which the company is perceived. One of the general mistakes made by e-commerce firms is to think that their work, the main job that the consumer will take into account when evaluating their work, ends at in moment in which the consumer has validated its purchase.

This makes you lose sight of two very important points. One is logistics, the way the product comes home from the consumer, an issue that has to be in the hands of third parties (e-commerce companies usually do not have the resources to do their own shipping processes) and that is one of many things that creates tension for consumers. The other is the very package in which the product is sent and that is -although many times the companies forget it- a further extension of the customer experience.

And truth is that the package can be a completely differential element, as demonstrated by the case of Amazon and as shown by some success cases of some small startups. For example, Laconicum, a Spanish online cosmetics store, has made its packages an expression of its brand values. The store sells very special, unique cosmetics, and it does so in a neat way. Their packages are also cosmetic and do not arrive simply packaged in a cardboard box, but they do it in something they feel like opening.

Therefore, making a good package is not something that is only within reach of the big ones, but it is something that any e-commerce firm with a concern for the consumer can do and can achieve.

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