Why do you need Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC)?

Being visible to the customer that wants to buy your product is very important if you are going to sell your products. There might be many customers out there who are willing to buy what you’re selling but miss out because of the lack of visibility. Moreover, if the buyers do find the exact product they are looking for on the first page itself, they wouldn't bother scrolling through the rest.

Pay-per-click advertising puts up your product’s ad on either top or bottom of the search result page which otherwise might have ended up on the fifth or sixth page. This way, the buyer would first see your product and click it. You have to pay amazon whenever a buyer clicks and views your product.

If you are a seller that has been in this business for a long time, you would know what effect PPC has on your sales.

PPC Automation 

Usually, PPC takes around three months to work. Though it does give results overnight, those initial months serve as a training period for your ad campaign, providing you with data that you can use to improve your campaign’s overall performance. The problem with PPC advertising is that you constantly need to test and keep checking your campaigns. It does consume a lot of time and effort that you can put into something more productive.

Where does automation come into the picture?

PPC automation is the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies to optimize your PPC campaigns to bring out better results in less time and effort.

Why should you automate your PPC?

- Staying ahead in the competition

There's no doubt that there is fierce competition in this field. Every amazon seller would leave no stone unturned to survive this competition. If you want to stand out, you must use all the resources available at hand. By automating PPC, you will have total knowledge of what and why should you take a certain decision rather than taking it as it comes.
You will also have an edge over race if your competitors are using manual PPC marketing.

- Your campaign is no longer based on just your intuition

When you use manual PPC campaigning, you will have to choose certain keywords solely based on your hunch and then wait for the results to see if your intuition is right. How about having the chance to choose keywords based on the data that is proven to be useful? Automation has complex algorithms that let you decide accurately based on hard data. This will save you from incurring loss due to trial and error.

- Enhancing campaign

There is a very high possibility of not getting expected results despite spending a lot of money and time. These poor results mainly occur when you miss specific relevant keywords or are targeting the wrong audience.
Sometimes, though you might really be good at PPC  advertising, there are probably some tweaks that you can make to the campaigns that can help you enhance them. Using Amazon PPC Automation software helps you in overcoming these obstacles and enhances your PPC campaign.

- Decreases ACoS

The search terms report includes a column called ACoS which is the percentage ratio of advertising cost to the total sales.  If the ACoS is less than your profit margin, this means you’re making a profit and you are losing money otherwise.  The lower ACoS is, the more profits you make.

When you automate your PPC, you have the privilege of choosing the ACoS you want to achieve and the rest will be taken care of. You can avoid unnecessary fuss and increase the profit margin at the same time.

- Better luck at winning Buy Box

The Buy Box refers to the white box on the right side of the Amazon product detail page, where customers can add items for purchase to their cart. Not all sellers are eligible to win the Buy Box.  For Amazon sellers, the Buy Box is everything.

There are a dozen factors that are taken into account to get the Buy Box. Your return rate, product reviews, customer response time all play a significant role in deciding whether or not you get the Buy Box. You can use an automated sponsored ad campaign to enhance your sales, and then generate a decent amount of product reviews. This will let Amazon know that you are worthy of having the Buy Box.

- Runs on Artificial Intelligence

PPC automation software runs with the help of  Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI makes sure that your marketing campaign decisions are solely based on facts and data not just on your hunch.

This logical and fact-oriented approach of making decisions makes sure that you get the best out of your Amazon PPC campaign, which is crucial for your business to thrive.

- Saves time and effort

A manual PPC campaign has to be carefully monitored to make note of what's working out and what's not. This requires most of your time and attention for obvious reasons. If you can automate your PPC advertising, you can efficiently divide and manage your time and efforts into tasks that cannot be automated.

- Less Cost

Through advanced bid algorithm technology, sellers can analyze the bid of each keyword in meeting their goals. This makes sure that unnecessary spending on advertising can be avoided. Since you will be bidding for data-based keywords through automation, you will avoid spending unnecessarily on futile trials.
Anomaly detection also helps prevent the complication before it hurts the performance of the campaign, targeting, or keywords.

- Better than seller central

Though you have the option to choose an automated campaign in seller central, it still involves a lot of time and effort. Instead, using PPC automation software will do much more than what amazon does for you. You can leave the optimization of the text, removing keywords that aren’t working, listing negative keywords to the automation tools while you will still have to do these if you had chosen the automatic campaign offered by amazon.

- Avoid human errors

No matter how attentive you are even to the most minute details of your campaign, you can still be prone to committing errors. A small mistake might end up wasting all of your efforts. Your decision might also be influenced by peers and your state of mind. The possibility of this happening with AI-based advertising is almost zero.

How to choose the perfect Amazon PPC software?
Choosing the right software for your PPC advertising is as important as deciding to go for an automated campaign. Opting for the wrong PPC software does more harm than good and ends up leaving you with barely satisfying results.

- Choose software that mainly focuses on reducing ad costs and boosts your sales.

AiHello AutoPilot is a new auto-bidding feature that automatically adjusts your bids, bid boost, placement, and budget for your Amazon ads in order to increase sales and lower ad costs. It allows you to monitor your ads and automate the bids continuously to decrease your ad spend and also increase your sales. Using automation, AutoPilot can make sure that you don't overspend on ads more than required and also keep your sales flowing.
It also saves you the effort of removing keywords that aren't meeting the targets and adds new optimized keywords.

It ensures every dollar spent on Amazon advertising goes to what matters most: growing your business and increasing profits. It handles everything from scheduling, boosting to bidding.
You can choose your target ACoS to achieve the required target.

Step by Step procedure to avail AiHello Autopilot:

You can enable AutoPilot by clicking on the autopilot button for a campaign. Autopilot is by default switched OFF for all campaigns and you have to switch each one individually.

- "Switch On" enables autopilot for the selected campaign. The rest of this document focuses on each setting and how you can further tweak it for your individual campaigns.


Set ACOS Target The goal of the AutoPilot is to either reach this ACOS or remain below this ACOS depending on the strategy of the AutoPilot chosen.


- The ACOS for a target is by default sales vs costs calculated over the course of 7 days. This provides a smooth tweaking to AutoBid. However, you can choose to calculate the ACOS for a different duration.


- AutoPilot won't run on a target if this minimum spending threshold is not reached. This prevents autopilot from premature optimizing of targets.

- Set the maximum allowed bid by the AutoPilot. Set the maximum auto-bid to a lower value if you would like to restrict experimenting with a higher target.


- You can automatically add two kinds of keywords to your campaign continuously every 24 hours: Customer search terms and Amazon suggested keywords.


Top Amazon Suggested Keywords are the top keywords recommended by Amazon. It is recommended to focus more on customer queries rather than Amazon recommendations as amazon recommendations are usually more expensive to bid on.

The bid aggression lets you choose the 'aggression' in choosing the percentage of bid value from the suggested value.


Summing Up

Automating your PPC marketing is the most advisable decision there is for obvious reasons. You can achieve your targeted goal within less time and using fewer resources.


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