What is the profile of the users who return their purchases?

Any user who makes an online purchase is assisted by the right of desist. This right covers, in principle, all consumers of eCommerce and gives them the option to return the purchased product and obtain a refund of the money within 14 days after receiving the product. This deadline can be extended, and in most cases, suppliers give up to 30 days of margin for this. Others even reach 100.

The merchant is not only obligated to offer the money back, but to ensure this right is a very favored point facing the customers. The vast majority of users make good use of this option, but what about those who discard by default and take advantage of this possibility?

So, we have three stereotypes of buyers who "give back too much" and from whom all eCommerce tries to flee:

The wardrobe buyer. Why buy clothes if you can borrow? Clothing or any other object. Let's take the example of an appliance. A major sporting event is coming up as the World Cup and television is too small, what does this type of buyer do? He gets a new television, uses it to watch the competition, and when he finishes, he returns it and recovers the money invested. The type of wardrobe buyer sees online merchants as dispensing machines for items that will never run out of stock. This practice is theoretically not permitted, but generally difficult to prove.

The compulsive buyer. Buying on credit is very comfortable for the customer and can give way for many to buy more than their pocket can really afford. The psychological barrier that inhibits when making returns is much lower than in physical stores, since eCommerce does not have to be justified before any dependent when dozens of articles are returned at a time.

The demanding buyer. In this group we include users who, if they buy a blouse, order on the web at least four different sizes, or buy the same model of shoes in three different colors, and add to the cart, in addition, 20 accessories. This type of customer, uses his own floor as if it were the tester of a physical store. Buy the same in various sizes and colors to try and then change it. This practice, although perfectly legal, harms the merchant as it must shed many items that in reality will not be acquired by anyone.

Is it expensive for eCommerce?

What is sometimes free for the consumer, can be a cost to the merchant since, in many cases, they take care of the shipping costs. Approximately, it is estimated that only a quarter of all products that have been returned can be sold again at the same price. To that we should add the expense of time and personnel.

It is true that most of these practices are perfectly legal and it is difficult to dodge such buyers. As advice, a good way to avoid them, it could be to discount the following order to those buyers who have retained all items without returning any after 5 purchases.

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